Wednesday, March 3, 2010

OK Stop

The pure inventiveness of OK Go's sensational new video for "This Too Shall Pass" outshines the context of the song itself, which is more of a soundtrack to a much more interesting short film. But who cares what they're singing about? The moment you press play, you're immersed in the throws of a delightfully disastrous spring loaded booby trap and it's all caught in one beautifully handheld shot!

I haven't had this much fun since I watched Tom Hanks teeter-totter through a maze of scaffolding in a wheelbarrow full of wet cement. Oh, and if the words 'OK Go' ring any bells, it's probably because of this...

Even if you're not a big fan of OK Go, you've got to admit they sure know how to put together a clever video. They've released three albums since their YouTube days and have a continually growing fan base. If you'd like to purchase some of their music or a Mindshare ticket you can visit their new site by clicking here.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Pomplamoose. In French, it means grapefruit...apparently.

Don't let the name fill your mind with static images of hair care products. Pomplamoose, a one guy - one gal band, have accumulated over 76,000 YouTube subscribers. I haven't been this excited about a male/female duo since Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova collaborated on The Swell Season.

Hailing from San Fransisco, they have become a force to reckon with amongst the indie folk community. Pomplamoose is a "grassroots multi-musical project of various fascinating layers". It's members are Natalie Dawn (vocals) and boyfriend Jack Conte, who plays several instruments including guitar and piano.

If you would like to support this group you can subscribe to their YouTube Channel or you can visit them on MySpace - or better yet - you can purchase their new album on Itunes.

Or you can buy a T-shirt! C'mon, it's a grapefruit with moose antlers... How cool is that?

Here is an excerpt from Alison Potstra's Brock Press Article: "Dawn's style brings to mind Carla Bruni's sunshiney adorableness mixed with the vocals of Leslie Feist and Regina Spektor. Conte, on the other hand, draws the obvious comparison to Thom Yorke of Radiohead".

Their music is even more enjoyable on video. Jack Contes' spontaneous sense of humor and Dawn's innocent 'Little Red Riding Hood' demeanor inhabit a childlike sense of adventure and imagination that turns everything they touch to gold.